I don’t know what to say for my PSA. What do I do?
Not to worry! We have prepared a quick script that you can use. Please download the script here.
What should I wear while recording my PSA?
All participants should record their PSA while wearing purple or a mix of purple and white.
How do I submit my “Paint It Purple” PSA?
Please submit your PSAs according to the instructions on the PSA submission page here.
Can I still submit a PSA even if I don’t attend a “Paint It Purple” party?
Yes, you can. Just follow the guidelines here and submit it via the online submission form.
Can more than 1 person be in a PSA?
PSAs should ideally be recorded by individuals.
However, if you wish to record it in pairs or in groups of three, that’s fine. We do not recommend any more than 3 people in a PSA would crowd more webcams or digital video camera screens too much.
For “Paint It Purple” Party Organisers: How should I structure my party’s PSAs?
A pro forma script is provided in the Organisers’ Pack to ensure uniformity of message and ease of recording. Please distribute to participants as needed.
For “Paint It Purple” Party Organisers: How should I submit my party’s PSAs?
All PSAs must be uploaded onto YouTube and a list of the individual URLs must be listed out in the PSA submission page (see Organisers’ Pack).
All uploaded PSA must be titled as follows: Name of individual(s) – Location – Profession/Job of individual. E.g. Regina Yau – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – Founder of The Pixel Project
Please send only links as video files tend to be too large to be received by most emails.